Message from the President By Mark Scholz
By Mark Scholz ( ) President of the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors The Hitch - May 2016 Vol. 14 NO. 2 Edition The Oil Respect campaign was born of the conviction that Hollywood celebrities, radical environmentalists, and misinformed politicians were misleading Canadians about the oil and gas industry. Our goal is to both correct the record and to give those Canadians who support the industry a voice. That voice is being heard. In the wake of the Fort McMurray wildfire, we are also being introduced to the real people behind this industry as they struggle to pull their lives back together. For now they need places to stay. Over the medium term they need a vibrant industry. Not long ago the rhetoric from provincial and federal governments favored slowing and even shutting down oil and gas development. They opposed pipelines and supported a ban ...