The Exploration Directive
CAGC Column: The Exploration Directive DOUG IVERSON CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF GEOPHYSICAL CONTRACTORS CAGC represents the business interests of the seismic industry within Canada – The CAGC article, June 28, 2022, discussed the changes to 13 sections of The Exploration Directive, associated with the geophysical Exploration Regulations. Many of the changes were administrative in nature but several changes were operational. Most of this article will discuss the significant operational change. At the annual Regulator/Industry September meeting, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) and Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) gave a joint presentation. The AER/AEP presentation included a very good brief summary of all the changes adopted within The Exploration Directive. That presentation can be found on the website or with this link: Slides 4 to 16 of their presentation highlighted the changes to...