Resources continue to be the foundation of BC's economy
The resource sector is the foundational stone upon which the BC economy was built, and it is as important today as ever This article by Resource Works senior research fellow Marlyn Chisholm is adapted from the BC Check Up, a publication the Chartered Professional Accountants of BC joint venture, on behalf of ICABC, the Certified Management Accountants Society of BC, and the Certified General Accountants of BC. A link to that full report (in PDF format) is here . Reproduced with permission Article originally published on June 22, 2015 by Resource Works; can be obtained on their website at this link . What we've forgotten BC has witnessed profound changes in its economic structure and trade patterns since the beginning of the 20th century. During this time our province has transformed from a “hewer of wood and drawer of water” primarily reliant on the export of commodity lumber and minerals, to one with a far more diversified economy, dominated by a rapidly pro...