
Showing posts from February, 2022

Focus on the Future

  Like many others, companies and personnel engaged in seismic exploration activities have experienced extreme human and economic challenges since early 2020, many due to the seemingly never-ending waves of viral infections that have plagued the world’s populations but also from the consequential responses and continual attempts to curtail the viral spread. Apart from the health implications in trying to keep everyone alive, safe, and well, these challenges have extended to just being able “to find” suitable employees to construct seismic field crews, challenges that are compounded in the face of the array of different regional rules, prohibitions, mandates, lockdowns, testing, and restrictions to which they have been subjected. Notwithstanding that for economic and logistical reasons, they drive with 4 or more in a truck and sleep 2 to a room, “ Social Distancing ” usually isn’t a problem for seismic workers as they are often sent to work in the most remote of inhospitable env...