
Showing posts from March, 2016

Several Companies Endorse CAODC's Oil Respect Campaign

By: Daily Oil Bulletin - March 30, 2016 Ensign Energy Services Inc.   was one among many companies today that officially endorsed the Oil Respect campaign launched by the   Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors  in mid-February . “It really is time for Canada to come together in understanding that in a federation we do things that are beneficial for all Canadians,” said   Bob Geddes , president and COO of Ensign. “Of course the environment is of critical importance and our industry leads and understands our responsibility in environmental stewardship. “However, we also need to think about our citizens’ current and future employment opportunities and Canada’s long-term ability to deliver ethical, emission-efficient fuel to global markets. Pipelines are as important to the future of Canada as the Trans-Canada Railway and the Trans-Canada Highway have proven to be, and will certainly be of great benefit to ensure the continued growth, development a...

Advocacy Reqd by GeoScientists

This downturn has taken its toll on the workforce. It appears a whole generation has been retired or let go. As the environmental movement strengthens in opposition to Oil and Gas in Canada it makes me think that folks such as GeoScientists should do more to advocate for the Industry and their profession. John Harper is one such individual and writes the following: Climate Change - the buzzword   of the decade! Whenever we see anything anomalous in the experience of an individual, especially those in the urban world, we hear them invoke the climate change buzz. Interestingly, when asked about their meaning of climate change, most politicians and the public, cannot provide a consistent definition. Neither can many scientists and geoscientists because they tend to be so focussed in their interests that they lack the historical context within which to analyse the full scope of their data. The Earth’s climate is recorded in the rocks and geoscientists are those capable of dec...


  Y OU CA N ’ T G E T THERE F R OM HE R E B y R obe r t L yman | E n e r gy E c onom ist - A d dr essi n g C l i m ate Cha n ge T a r gets | Nov e mber 1, 20 1 5   M o s t you n g Canadia n s t o day belie v e that we c an reduce g lobal wa r mi ng by do i ng t h i n gs t h a t w o uld n o t grea t ly affect o u r l i fe s t y l e or c os t of l i v i n g. M e s m er i zed by t h e en v i r o nmen t al i s t c hant t hat we a re “ s a v i n g the pla n et ” , y o ung p e ople s imply refu s e to bel i eve t h at t he cha n g e s en t a i led i n m eet i ng greenh o u s e g a s e m i s s i o ns (GHG) r e d uct i on t a rget a r e diff i cul t . To i llu s t r ate t h e s i z e of t h e challe n ge we face i n reduci n g e m iss i o n s , let us exa m i n e o n e s ec t or of t he eco n o m y – t r an s p o ...